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10 Usability Heuristics: Everything You Need to Know

August 1, 2024
Inha Tolochenko, Kateryna Kotelnykova

Ten Usability Heuristics is a list of the most important and general principles, that explain common usability issues. The basis of heuristics is general interaction problems between people and technology. That is why heuristics are universal for all interfaces and technologies.

To find potential usability and experience issues one of the fastest and cost-effective methods is a heuristic evaluation. Jakob Nielsen developed heuristics way back in 1994. These 10 fundamental principles help designers to make better UI and UX for their interfaces. Heuristics are still relevant and help millions of professionals create the best experience and meet the demands of users.

About Jakob Nielsen's usability heuristics

Ten Usability Heuristics is a list of the most important and general principles, that explain common usability issues. Psychology forms the foundation of these guidelines, providing insights into human behavior and information processing. The basis of heuristics is general interaction problems between people and technology. That is why heuristics are universal for all interfaces and technologies.

Advantages of heuristic evaluation:

– Allow us to test any interface, regardless of platform or technology: websites, mobile applications, software, etc. 

– Speed: quickly identify usability issues without lengthy user testing sessions.

– Cost-effective: does not require extensive resources.

– Find common UI and UX problems: identify common problems that users may have when interacting with the interface.

Heuristic evaluation is helpful in the early stages of the design process. Use following Jakob Nielsen's heuristics to prevent and identify obvious usability problems.

Visibility of System Status

Pay attention to any gadget or application. The smartphone shows how much charge is left. If you buy something in the application, you get a notification about the payment status. In this way, systems show their current status and inform you of what is happening right now.

The main points of this heuristic you should guide:

– Clearly report about the status of the system. 

– Provide feedback to the user as soon as possible, preferably immediately. 

– Build trust through open and continuous communication.

System state visibility means how transparently the interface is communicated to its users. A system should always let us know what is going on by providing appropriate feedback on time. No action that affects users should be taken without informing them. A website, application, or any other interface explains its current status in concise terms.

Visibility of System Status

Match Between the System and the Real World

Speak the same language as your user. They don't have to check the terms in the dictionary. Never assume that your understanding of words or concepts is the same as other people's.

Use words, phrases, and concepts familiar to users, not professional jargon. Design is highly dependent on target users. Terms, concepts, icons, and images that seem clear to designers may be unfamiliar or confusing to users. Build trust with open and ongoing communication.

People have patterns of interacting with a system based on their past experiences with objects in the real world. Provide an intuitive user experience. Easy to learn how the interface works when the design aligns with concepts familiar to users and their expected results. Include familiar elements and actions to help users move through the interface with less effort.

Match Between the System and the Real World

User Control and Freedom

Always give the user freedom of action. 

Nielsen's third heuristic emphasizes the importance of allowing users to control their interaction with the interface. There are several key aspects to this principle:

1. User control: Users should be able to control their actions and processes within the interface. They must feel that they are in control of their experience, not the other way around.

2. Action flexibility and reversibility: The interface should allow users to easily correct errors or change their actions. This includes the ability to undo or redo actions without complex procedures.

3. Avoid blocking: The interface should not block users or force them to perform actions in a particular order. An overly rigid structure can limit the user and cause frustration.

4. Transparency and predictability: Users need to understand what actions they can take and what the consequences of those actions will be. Transparency in interface interaction helps reduce stress and improve the user experience.

This principle is based on the fact that users have different needs, experience levels, and preferences. Giving them freedom of action allows you to tailor the interface to their individual needs, which contributes to a more positive and productive interaction with the product.

User Control and Freedom

Consistency and Standards

The principle states that products and interfaces should be consistent in their design and adhere to generally accepted design standards and UI and UX patterns. 

Google Workspace tools have a similar user interface. Menus, toolbars, and buttons are laid out in a similar manner, making them clear and easy to use for users familiar with any of these products. Products also have a single visual consistency and usability, regardless of which product or device.

The same actions and interaction mechanics must be repeated within the same product or product family. Standards help create intuitive and convenient interfaces. It helps users to master new tools quickly, work efficiently, and feel pleasure from using products.

Consistency and Standards

Error Prevention

Error prevention is about minimizing the possibility of user errors and helping users avoid unwanted actions. Achieve through careful interface design, providing warnings, or limiting actions that can lead to errors.

There are two categories of errors: slips and mistakes. Slips are unintentional errors resulting from a lack of attention. Errors are intentional errors that result from a mismatch between the user's mental model and the design.

Avoid serious mistakes that can have major consequences. These include important actions that cannot be undone or corrected if done incorrectly. It is crucial to prevent minor frustrating slips, like inaccurate data input or poor selections. To avoid these errors, use hints, warn the user about changes, and make most used options default and editable.

Error Prevention

Recognition Rather than Recall

Users should recognize objects, options, or actions rather than reproduce them from memory. Information or interface elements must be visible.

It will also be good to remember the following recommendations:

1. The use of icons and markers that are easy to recognize facilitates quick visual recognition of interface functions or options without the need for memorization.

2. Keeping the same or similar interface elements across all parts of an application or system helps users quickly recognize features and options they've used before.

3. Context-sensitive hints help users easily find the options or actions they need without having to remember the details of the interface.

4. Keep information/actions that are key to the site in a visible place that you don't want the user to miss or lose. For example, The contact button. 

Recognition Rather than Recall

Flexibility and Efficiency of Use

The interface should adapt to different levels of users. Beginners should find it easy to navigate with clear instructions and default settings. Advanced users can speed up their work by setting up shortcuts or skipping introductory steps.

A variety of techniques can be used to achieve this versatility, including accelerators that make it easier to interact with the product. For example, using keyboard shortcuts for quick access to functions or gestures on touch devices for quick navigation.

Allow users to customize the content and functionality of the product according to their needs and preferences. For example, language selection, interface themes, notification settings, etc. This allows users to personalize and tailor the product to their needs.

Flexibility and Efficiency of Use

Aesthetic and Minimalist Design

The product should be easy to understand and use. Include simple forms, a small number of colors and fonts, easy navigation, and a clear information hierarchy. Ensure the product effectively performs its main functions and satisfies the user's needs. 

The main goal of this heuristic is to simplify the process for users to find the information they require and carry out essential tasks.

Every interface element and component must be set up to show only the relevant information required by the user at any given time. It is unnecessary to clutter the interface with superfluous features or ornamental elements that do not contribute to the execution of fundamental tasks.

Prioritize content and features and use visual elements to emphasize their importance.

Aesthetic and Minimalist Design

Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors

Error messages must be communicated in plain language. Help to identify the problem and offer a constructive solution. Visuals should also be incorporated to enhance the visibility and recognition of these error messages for users.

It is also important to keep in mind the subsequent guidelines:

– Opt for traditional error-message visuals, including bold, red text.

– Inform users of the issue in a language they can easily understand, avoiding technical jargon.

– Suggest a solution to users, like a shortcut that can immediately address the error.

As interactions between humans and computers continue to develop, errors and misunderstandings occur, necessitating the use of error messages. Adhering to these guidelines can help users overcome these obstacles and successfully complete their tasks with confidence. 

Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors

Help and Documentation

The system should ideally be self-explanatory, but users may require documentation to guide them through completing tasks. The help and documentation should be user-focused, easy to find, and provide clear, step-by-step instructions.

Tips on how to adhere to the Help and Documentation heuristic:

– Make sure the help documentation is easily accessible through search.

– Provide the documentation within the relevant context when the user needs it.

– Outline specific steps to follow.

Foresee when your users will need assistance and provide them with pertinent information to help them accomplish their goals. Enhance your proactive support with a documentation repository that users can access as necessary. Additionally, ensure that the help content is concise, to the point, and easy to review.

Help and Documentation

Apply usability heuristics for your user interface.  Implementing usability heuristics is crucial in creating effective, efficient, and easy-to-navigate interfaces. Prioritizing the user and enhancing their experience can be achieved by following these principles in your design process.

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